In our lives, there are few moments that are unique and singular, where we as Catholics
are called to stand and celebrate the beauty and strength of our faith. The upcoming
Envision More campaign is one of these once-in-a-lifetime moments. We have been
called to build a new St. Thomas More for the Catholic campus ministry at USC, where
hundreds of thousands of students will pass through our doors over the next century.
When students enter the new church, or walk across the new STM campus, our goal is
to make a statement that God is alive and that his Church is thriving! We have the rare
opportunity to build in a way that will indelibly transform the future lives of our young
people and connect them to God in a way that will echo through eternity.
Parents and grandparents, alumni, parishioners, friends and benefactors know that our
Campus Ministry at the University of South Carolina is the bridge between adolescence
and adulthood, between the safety of home and the challenges of the “real world.” Over
the last 71 years, hundreds of thousands of young people have come to USC, and St.
Thomas More has been there to guide them into new frontiers of career, vocation, and
Over the past 7 decades, USC has grown. Our Catholic Campus Ministry has
grown. Our space has not. We need your help.
It will take the radical generosity of our entire community – parents, alumni, Catholic
communities, and people of goodwill across the nation – to build the church and
Newman Center we desperately need to accommodate the overwhelming number of
students coming through our doors.
Few generations have the chance to impact the future of our faith in the way that you
can right now. Even fewer have the opportunity to leave a profound legacy for the next
generation of Catholics. We invite you to join us in this incredible mission and pave the
way for a thriving, faith-filled community of Gamecock Catholics for centuries to come.
Join us and be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime mission!
Dream Big; Give Generously; Envision More.